Navigating the Corn Maze of Estate Administration

Navigating the Corn Maze of Estate Administration Rachel Donnelly October 17, 2024
Navigating the Corn Maze of Estate Administration

Happy fall, everyone! This is my favorite season, and I’m thrilled that my daughter shares my love for all things related to falling leaves, pumpkin spice, and cozy settings. A few weeks ago, we embarked on a quintessential fall adventure—a corn maze. What was meant to be a straightforward stroll through corn-lined paths turned into a delightful, albeit bewildering journey. We found ourselves lost more often than not, eventually relying on a trail of cotton candy to mark our past wanderings.

This experience reminded me of a common scenario many of our clients face: navigating the corn maze of estate administration. Just as we felt in the maze, you might find yourself lost in the complexities of managing a loved one’s estate. Questions like, “Where is the will?” or “Did they even have a will?” echo the uncertainty of choosing the right path in a maze.

Here’s how these experiences are similar and some tips to find your way:

Prepare Before You Enter: Just as you might review a map before entering a corn maze, having an organized estate plan—including a will, financial power of attorney, and advance healthcare directives—can provide a roadmap for your loved ones. Preparation is key.

Share Crucial Information: Before we entered the maze, we were given a QR code to access its design in case we wanted to use it. Knowing that was even a possibility was key. Similarly, it’s crucial to share with your loved ones or executor that the “key to the kingdom”—in this case, the corn maze—exists. Please don’t keep it a secret whether or not you have a will. Your loved ones aren’t mind readers.

Mark Your Path: In our maze adventure, dropping pieces of cotton candy helped us identify where we had been. Similarly, keeping detailed records of your current assets, debts and where your documents are stored can help guide your family through the estate process without retracing steps or hitting dead ends.

Don’t Hesitate to Ask for Help: At one point, we asked a fellow maze-goer for directions. In estate administration, it’s important to consult with professionals (including us at AfterLight!) who can offer guidance and help clarify the complex parts of the process.

If you find yourself feeling lost in the estate administration process, remember, just like a corn maze, there’s an exit, and sometimes, the journey is as important as the destination. Let’s ensure your estate plan is clear, so your loved ones have a map to guide them, rather than a vague trail of cotton candy!