Join Us at the PALS Summit – A Milestone for After Loss Professionals

Join Us at the PALS Summit – A Milestone for After Loss Professionals Rachel Donnelly August 9, 2024
Join Us at the PALS Summit – A Milestone for After Loss Professionals

Five years ago, I spent almost an entire morning away from work trying to open an estate bank account for my uncle who had recently passed away.  I was now serving as executor for both my mother and uncle’s estates and was completely overwhelmed with the administrative tasks of estate settlement. After suppressing the urge to drive my minivan through the lobby of the bank, a lightbulb went off in my head: What if I started a business to help those fellow executors manage the dumpster fire of  death administration?  

Since founding AfterLight, my mission has been to offer compassionate and comprehensive after loss services to those navigating the complexities of estate and legacy organization during times of grief. Our commitment extends beyond direct services, as we also strive to empower those who work within this vital industry.

In 2021, together with a crew of trailblazers, I co-founded Professionals of After Loss Services (PALS). We set out not just to support those in the trenches but to define our field: after loss professionals. Trust me, explaining this job at parties is a hoot:  I’ve been dubbed everything from “the wedding planner for funerals” to “executor’s guardian angel,” and while the titles may vary, the fascination with our work never wanes. Once people understand what we do, the light bulb doesn’t just go off—it explodes.

Why am I buzzing your inbox today?

This October 23-25, we will gather in Atlanta, GA, for the very first PALS Summit. It’s more than a conference; it’s a call to arms for anyone passionate about transforming grief into actionable, compassionate strategy. Whether you’re a seasoned vet or new on the block, or perhaps just curious about dipping your toes into after loss waters, this Summit is your gateway.

Why you, why now?

Maybe you’ve thought about joining our ranks or maybe you just need a peek behind the curtain. Here’s your chance to plunge into the deep end—rub shoulders with the best, snag insights that matter, and discover you can become part of the after loss professionals community. 

And yes, we’re scouting for sponsors and exhibitors! Want to amp up your visibility and show off your commitment to a cause that touches all? Step right up.

Interested? Let’s Chat.

I’m all ears and would love to hear any ideas you might have about how we can collaborate within the after loss services community.

Your Role in the Big Picture

Joining us at the PALS Summit will not just raise your profile but affirm your role as a champion for those navigating loss. This is where legacies are built and connections are forged.

I’ll see you in Atlanta!