Is Your Stuff Safe or Just Kindling?

Is Your Stuff Safe or Just Kindling? Rachel Donnelly July 26, 2024
Is Your Stuff Safe or Just Kindling?

I just got back from what turned out to be a “hot” vacation in Northern California, where my family and I visited the Lake Tahoe area and Lassen Volcanic National Park. The beauty of these areas is undeniable, but our trip coincided with a Red Flag Warning due to high temperatures, low humidity, and strong winds — prime conditions for wildfires. While touring Lassen Volcanic National Park, we saw the devastation of the Dixie Wildfire of 2021 which burned nearly 1M acres, destroyed hundreds of homes, where several lost their lives.  

We arrived to a Red Flag Warning—Mother Nature’s way of saying, “Welcome, but no barbecues, please.” At the end of our first day, we noticed the skies turned a foreboding red. Turns out, it wasn’t just the sky showing off—it was a wildfire sparked by a campfire that someone hadn’t fully extinguished. Thankfully nobody was hurt, but the fire quickly gobbled up over 100 acres. All I could think about was the smug disappointment of Smokey the Bear, angrily shaking his head. Hasn’t he taught us anything?

By evening, ash was falling from the sky, and we faced the real possibility of evacuation. It was a stark reminder of the fragility of our surroundings and the suddenness with which disaster can strike. As the neighbors briefed us on possible evacuation plans, I couldn’t help but think: If we had to bolt, what would I grab? My running shoes for sure, but what about the important stuff?

This Brush with disaster got me thinking: In an emergency, are we truly prepared to protect not just ourselves but our most precious documents and belongings?

Here’s what you need to consider:

  • Estate Planning Documents: Wills, trust documents, powers of attorney — are they easily accessible in a moment’s notice?
  • Identification Papers: Passports, birth certificates, driver’s licenses — could you grab them quickly if you had to leave in a hurry?
  • Sentimental and Valuable Items: Family photos, heirlooms, jewelry, artwork, and collectibles — are they documented and safe?

To help ensure you’re prepared for anything, consider these tips:

  1. Create a Digital Backup: Scan all critical documents and store them securely online. This way, you can access them anywhere, anytime, even if physical copies are lost. We love Trustworthy, Keylu and My Life and Wishes
  1. Invest in Fireproof Storage: Use fireproof safes for important documents, photo backups, proofs  and valuables. These can provide critical protection during a fire. We highly recommend Infinity Trunks for fireproof and waterproof storage.
  1. Regularly Update Your Home Inventory: Keep a detailed list of your possessions, supported by photos and receipts, to simplify claims with your insurance company post-disaster.
  1. Use the online platform Artifcts to digitally organize and capture the meaning behind the sentimental items that are irreplaceable. Aka Photos, family heirlooms, jewelry, collectibles and other stuff’ you’d be devastated to lose. 

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Prepare now to protect your family, your home, and your future.