October 17, 2023 Ready to “Call BS” With Us?Hey there, Guess what week it is? No, not "Admire Your Cat's Antics Week" (though...
October 3, 2023 AfterLight: Your All-Star Quarterback for Life’s Toughest PlaysFootball season (American football that is) is officially back, and stadiums are buzzing with excitement...
September 20, 2023 3 Things You Should Do After a Loved One DiesWhen a loved one passes away, it can be incredibly challenging to maintain composure and...
September 6, 2023 #TBT to When I Quit my Job to Settle an EstateLast Wednesday was National Grief Awareness Day, and while you might be thinking, "What's that...
August 8, 2023 Back to Life, Back to RealityMy kids went back to school last week and the transition back into the hustle...
July 26, 2023 “…Do You Guys Ever Think About Dying?”I never thought I’d say this, but I owe a world of thanks to Barbie....
July 11, 2023 It’s Summer! Take a Vacation from Your Executor Duties!Do you remember the movie "What About Bob?" In the film, frustrated psychiatrist Dr. Leo...
June 27, 2023 What Does Peach Ice Cream Have To Do With Legacy Planning?As we approach July 4th coming up in just a week's time, my mind becomes...
June 20, 2023 4 mistakes I made as an executorDear friends, Being an executor is a role you (hopefully) will fulfill only once in...
June 1, 2023 To have OR to hold: AKA, where should you keep your will?It's officially wedding season and love is in the air. Coupled with the fact that...